Q: What are your skating goals, both short-term and long-term?
I would love to get into pairs or ice Dance, I grew up skating synchro but recently after relocating from my home town in Missouri I have started focusing more on my individual skating skills. I miss the team aspect and always found pairs incredibly fascinating. NQS would be a dream, however just competing is my goal for now. ( and finding a partner.)
Q: What qualities do you possess that would make you a good partner?
As I mentioned due to my experience with syncro I have very strong skating skills and I am very good with timing and coordination. I am also very familiar with skating in pairs group etc. during my synchronized skating career I also learned some basic lifts, though it’s been a while. I have a strong core and good communication and dedication.
Extra comments:
I took 6 months off due to injuries of both my left and right ankles, in that time I mainly attended physical therapy. This was roughly a year and a half ago at this point. However due to said injuries it caused me to fall behind in my MITF testing sadly, as well as my dance testing, and skating in general.